How to clean glass coffee table is one of the easiest household jobs. Glass is definitely one of the simplest to maintain materials — not only because it is resistant to moisture and is quite hard to get scratched, but mostly because all spills, including grease ones, can be easily removed with the most basic, simplest cleaning means.
The first and the obvious step before you start cleaning your glass coffee table is to remove everything from its surface and dust it. Then, you will have several cleaning options to consider:
Even if you do not have any cleaning liquids at hand, you can simply clean glass with water. Sure, it will probably take a little bit more time in comparison to using a cleaner, but the difference is going to be a trifle. If you would like to achieve the best result as soon as you can, use hot water. A little bit of soap or detergent will make the job even easier — just make sure to add a little, because too much soap will create sods, and they tend to leave messy streaks on the glass surface.
Another way to clean glass is to use pure white vinegar. If you do not like the smell, you can add a couple of freshly squeezed lemon juice drop into the liquid. Just a little bit of vinegar will remove even the old stains.
Alcohol is another cleaning means that can help you get rid of the old stains on a glass coffee table surface. The main advantage of using alcohol is that it hardly ever leaves streaks and does not require such careful dry wiping after you are done with cleaning.
Still, the easiest way to clean glass coffee table is to get a readily made glass cleaner in any convenience store. They cost little and can be used on any other glass surfaces, including windows. Just a couple of sprays from the bottle will be more than enough to clean the toughest, oldest stains.
The major challenge of cleaning glass is that practically any fluid leaves messy streaks on the glass surface. The main trick to avoid the streaks it to carefully wipe moist glass surface after the cleaning. There are several materials, generally used in the process. For starters, there is soft fabric. However, it tends not only to leave streaks and micro pieces of cloth. A better alternative is to go with chamois, which leaves less mess after the cleaning.
One of the easiest ways is to use paper towels or a simple toilet paper. In comparison to any cloth, they allow getting rid of the mess, the streaks, and the moisture quicker. Yet, the undeniable champion is a simple newspaper — it wipes dry the glass quicker than any other material. Note, that while using a newspaper to wipe dry a glass surface, you might want to be careful with your hands — even wear gloves if possible. The paint easily gets on your skin and can be quite tough to remove later.